2004 is just around the corner and with that in mind, i have started drafting a list of resolutions for the new year. those of you who know me know i live by to-do lists and objectives. i am forever writing down items, referring to them, updating them, crossing them off, moving them forward, making them relevant. i believe that i accomplish more by writing down my plans, and i rarely go a day without a list in hand. some would say that i am too task focused, but the trick to enjoying list-making is to write down everything, not just the jobs and responsibilities but the treats and the holidays. this way, the process of list making is fun and not something to avoid.
i love resolutions. i like to look back on the previous year and track my accomplishments, and i love to think of fun things to do during the year that i look forward to. some people avoid putting pleasurable objectives on their resolution lists--the theory is that if it's fun, it can't be a resolution. not by my rules. i include holidays, and hobbies. i list the activities i haven't made time for and the exciting skills i haven't learned. and mixed in between are those ideas for self-improvement, the stretch goals that i am nervous i won't achieve.
i have found that if i tell other people my resolutions, i am more likely to actually achieve them. so here they are, written down for the world to see. or at least my little world.
2004 Goals for Shannon Lee Banks
1. Cook on Sundays
2. Schedule date nights
3. Increase time relaxing
4. Establish flex & work-at-home schedule for better work/life balance
5. Create a development plan
6. Learn to swim
7. Get regular spa treatments
8. Exercise weekly: 3x cardio, 2x strength
9. Bike or walk, don’t drive
10. Write blogs on personal website
11. Organize photos
12. Create a wedding album
13. Read a book a fortnight
14. Pass driving exam
15. Set up household budget
16. Donate to KU Honors Program
17. Update will
18. Organize and update address list
19. Join a volunteer organization or social group
20. Create and maintain calling list
I'm enjoying your website. I have read tons of your blog entries; your goals, and your current book reviews (neat idea by the way). Thanks for sharing these "slices of your life." Hope you are having a good week.
Posted by: Samantha | May 07, 2004 at 09:03 PM