you would have to be living in a cabin in the middle of the new forest to have not seen the photos of prince harry dressed as a nazi this week. before the paper even came out, we had seen the photos in breaking news on bbc: harry at a party, swastika on his arm.
i don't think harry has any right-wing tendencies, but can't believe someone with his upbringing, always in the spotlight, could possibly think it was a bright idea to dress up as a nazi even as a joke. i wouldn't have selected that costume as a 20-year-old (or even a 16- or 33-year-old for that matter), and i'm no prince.
ironically, william went to the same party dressed as a lion.
I STRONGLY disagree with you. if you were to dress up as a nazi, i am sure that no one would care. but since the hottest prince ever did it, everyone is makig na big deal about it. in my opinion, it is none of anyone's buisness except his and his family's. so i hope you stop putting bad publicity up about him. yes it was a stupid decision to make, but it is a decision that you have nothing to do with
Posted by: Alex Fontaneta | February 24, 2005 at 08:40 PM
I think Harry's behaviour was disgraceful and shameful and it was an insult to all those related to the Holocaust. Also, he was criticized by media not because he is the hottest prince around (and anyway I personally think that Prince William is more handsome!!) but simply because HE is third in line to the throne and so he is expected to show at least a little bit of common sense!!
Posted by: Ria | March 10, 2005 at 12:37 AM
What I have to say I really can't put into words right at the moment so I'm just going to say them instead of make it into this big lecture, Yes I think It was a poor judge of character but look at his life its been nothing but difficult and if you look closer the people to blam is the media. Harry did not go to that party to stand In front of the camara saying "look at me," "look at me." they were the ones saying "look at this," "look at this." what I want to know is why anyone would stand there and wonder why he acts the way he does when its so obvious the other thing I want to know is how could the media not care about his feelings first but think it ok to worry about what he wears
Posted by: josie | March 10, 2005 at 11:55 PM