i went online to buy a baby pushchair this evening. after much deliberation, we chose an easywalker, mostly because it is extremely lightweight, so we can lift it into our car without breaking our backs, but has nice sturdy wheels so we can take it out on walks along the river. there is only one supplier for the uk, and it's a dutch company that sells online and exports to britain.
as i was filling out the online form, in english, i came across one line in dutch: "gaat u akkoord met de leveringsvoorwaarden," with only one response, "ja." it was a mandatory field. so before accidentally signing my life away to the devil or agreeing to distributing my contact details to all the world's telemarketers, i went to babblefish and did a free online translation. it came back: "you go agreement with the deliveries conditions."
so. that's okay then.
Hi - I saw that you had bought an easywalker. Was it the classic or the sky? Where did you get it from as at the moment we are contacting the manufacturer and wonder if there is a cheaper way especially in terms of shipping costs. Thanks lots
Posted by: Angela | February 02, 2007 at 06:29 AM