my normal routine is to read for a few minutes before i go to sleep, but my novels have been set to one side recently because i've been playing phoenix wright ace attorney on my nintendo ds.
i'm a half-hearted gamer. i like first-person shooters, and most logic games. i had a nintendo 64 for a while and played zelda on it. i really enjoyed the sims for a few months, and really loved animal crossing. when richard and i heard a recommendation for phoenix wright, i wasn't sure it would keep me interested.
i have to admit, it has. while the music is embarrassingly cheesy, and i wouldn't want to play it with the volume up in public due to the frequent yelling of "take that!" and "objection!" i do really enjoy it. i'm on the fourth trial, and the stories have kept me entertained. there's really one route through it, and it's a bit annoying how you sometimes know what the logic flaw is but can't quite figure out what evidence you have to present to prove it in quite the way they had in mind. but overall, i do like it, and i expect i'll finish it, which for me, i believe is a first.
take that!
The sequel - "And Justice for All" is available now :)
Posted by: Michelle | January 26, 2007 at 07:23 PM