richard bought tickets to see the police in concert in september. i don't think my reaction to this news was quite what he was hoping for. it was "oh really? okay. hmm. did you buy a ticket for me too?"
it's not that i don't want to see the police. i am sure i'll enjoy it. it's just not a concert i would have gravitated toward. i know they haven't toured in 25ish years and sting will be there. and i know i know a lot of their music. it's just that police = eighties to me, and i have a hard time getting really excited about the idea.
i am guessing i'm alone on this one though, considering they have sold out most evenings on their worldwide tour and are still adding dates to accommodate their fans.
Tell Richard that I would gladly accompany him for the evening since his wife doesn't know a good thing when she hears it! ;)
Posted by: Lain | March 21, 2007 at 02:22 AM