we are seeing some indications that spring is on its way, and i couldn't be happier:
1) daffodils: our daffodils are in full bloom and are really gorgeous. i picked some and brought them inside and they smell wonderful. we fold them down and tie the foliage every year after they are finished blooming and while it's time consuming, it seems worthwhile as the flowers seem thicker than when we first moved here.
2) black salsify: i had never heard of black salsify but it's apparently a relatively common english vegetable and my sister-in-law says it is a "sign of spring." i got some in my organic vegetable box this week, and now have to figure out how to prepare it! it's like an ugly long black carrot. hopefully it tastes better than it looks.
3) sunlight: as richard noticed recently, our mornings are getting lighter and the birds are singing.
bring on the spring.