one of the things i miss about living in america is the availability of ice cubes. restaurants in the us give you ice water with your meals, drinks come full of ice, and water is rarely offered in anyone's home unless it's freezing cold. as i've been here nearly five years, i am quite used now to drinking room-temperature water, and unless i'm sick or pregnant, i like it generally okay. but i still prefer ice when i can get it.
at work we have free bottles of water and other drinks in the kitchens, and when i'm working from the office, i always try to stay well hydrated. usually these water bottles, even though they are technically refrigerated, follow the same principles as water elsewhere: they aren't cold. not even a bit! i don't know if i get consistently unlucky with my timing and always go fetch a bottle right after the coolers have been restocked, or if they have decided the english don't really like cold drinks so why waste the energy cooling them. in any case, despite wishing otherwise, i'm used to reaching in to the fridge and getting out a room temperature bottle.
today at lunch i got my water and was shocked to find it was cold. i got upstairs before i realized it was not only cold, it was frozen solid. it's been an hour since i got it, and i still can't drink it without spilling it all over myself because it's a solid ice cube.
it makes you think you have to be careful what you wish for!
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