one evening, about three years ago, richard and i were out at a restaurant for dinner and i saw a group of women at a nearby table. it was your standard group of thirty-something girlfriends, laughing and chatting and enjoying a meal. there was nothing particularly special about the group, but i watched them through the meal and on the way home, i started to cry.
at this point, i had lived in england over a year, and i could count my local friends on one or two fingers. my "real" friends were thousands of miles away, and as time passed, i felt they were losing touch with me and making new friends to take my place. meanwhile i wasn't replacing them with anyone. looking back on it, i was really lonely.
everyone always said that the english make their friends in school, at work, and through their children, and i have found that to be true. when i was pregnant, we joined our local nct group, and nearly two years later, i still see women from this group several times a week.
i just got back from a "girls' night out" at a local restaurant with them, and it was great fun. they are fantastic friends to me and since i don't think a single one of them reads my blog, i can say without any embarrassment that they are amazing women.
You know, I just saw some women at Starbucks the other night and felt that same pang you are talking about from a year ago... I really miss having a group of friends I can hang out with and chat, go out for a drink, go to the spa, whatever.
I have some great single friends, but no GROUP. It makes me sad. :(
Posted by: Lain | April 29, 2007 at 08:01 AM