i noticed the book while i was waiting (somewhat) impatiently for my mother. we had gone into windsor for the afternoon, and stopped into a bookstore. we didn't have a specific purpose. bookstores are just good default destinations when you lack other more specific ones.
we had been in the store for a good thirty minutes, and maddie had exhausted her patience with taking all of the board books off the shelf in the children's section, piling them in a heap on the floor, and then stacking them once more on the shelf before repeating the process. she had started to fuss, and i suggested we might be going. this was when my mom decided she wanted to find a book to read on the flight home, and then modified her search to include three books since the store was running a three for two special.
so i was waiting, trying to be patient but failing. i was pushing maddie's stroller back and forth, back and forth, as an attempt to calm her squeals of frustration, while i glanced through the new fiction display. i think i noticed the cover image first, but then a familiar name caught my eye.
a college classmate of mine, who went on to become an intern at the same magazine i worked at for a time in california, has published her first novel. i had to go turn the book over to ensure it was her--sure enough, gillian flynn's face stared back at me from the back of the book, a slighty older version of the university student i knew. she is getting some amazing reviews, and the cover includes an endorsement from stephen king. well done, gillian. after my minor annoyance with my own mother, i couldn't make my daughter wait even longer for me to join the back of the queue and buy the book there and then, but it is now on its way to my house.