richard and i used to swim together in the morning before maddie was born, but like many new parents, in the past couple of years we have struggled with getting as much exercise as we'd like. when maddie was really little i used to take her to the pool with me and she would sit in her car seat at the end of the swimming lane while i swam laps. obviously that doesn't work any more! when she got a bit older we figured out a running schedule that allowed one of us to run in the morning and the other in the evening, trading off time with madeline, but it didn't work well in winter months. we got back into running this summer (and were motivated by our nike+ systems) but wanted to ensure we kept it up this winter so we needed to make some changes.
to that end, we changed gyms a few weeks ago, moving from our rather luxurious and close-to-home gym at the runnymede hotel, to a more basic, but close-to-nursery-and-office club called riverbourne. so far, this is working great, as we can get there within minutes of dropping madeline off at nursery, allowing for a quick swim or run early in the morning. riverbourne has a 25-meter pool with nice wide lanes and a large gym with free weights, and that's all i really need to keep up with my exercise.
so. no excuses.