richard is playing zelda on the nintendo wii. according to the summary on the game, he has been playing this for a total of 52 hours and 26 minutes since we bought the wii a few months ago. in game playing time, i am told this really isn't a lot, and i suppose it's not.
for me, though, it seems like an eternity.
i try to be patient with computer games. i really do. i even kind of understand their draw, having done my share of fishing and bug collecting in animal crossing. but i still find myself groaning when richard asks me nicely if he can play zelda for an hour.
i don't really like television all that much, so i can't say that i care about him taking over the tv. nothing stops me from sitting next to him and knitting, or reading, or writing fiction, or editing photos while he plays. plus, there are plenty of evenings where it doesn't really matter: last night for example i slept peacefully nearby on the sofa while he whacked fireballs with his sword to kill a demon. so i really can't figure out why i am so impatient with his game playing. i think it's honestly because when he is killing monsters or breaking barrels with a sword, he can't really listen when i am talking.
given the fact that richard really does ask if it's okay with me, and that it isn't an obsession, i think it's pretty unfair of me to censor his playing time with my eye rolling and complaints.
so. this is a formal promise. i will try to be more patient with the occasional game evening, at least if the game is zelda.
if richard happened to tell me yesterday that he fighting the five incarnations of the final monster in the game, i swear that's only a coincidence.