dad had an office in the unity church, which was only a green grassy lawn away from our manse in the country. i used to pull up the black rubber doormats in front of the church double doors and stomp on all the black crickets that were hiding there. there was a spider that built its web in the hedge between the house and the church and i loved it. one day it was gone and i cried.
I too remember the crickets and all the fun at Unity during those days. My name is Jennifer (Heine) Keeling, my grandparents are Neal and Arlene Wedeking. I wish my own children could have the joy of the simple life that we enjoyed, but they do have some advantages that we didn't. I have fond memories of many Sunday school mornings as well as the fun we had at bible school. There were also a number of times I remember being able to come play while my grandma either cleaned the church or was at a "Ladies Aid" meeting. I agree that we do have fond childhood memories. Thanks for reminding me of those simple pleasures.
Posted by: Jennifer Keeling | February 28, 2005 at 12:06 AM
Hi Jennifer! How great to hear from you--I remember you and of course remember the Wedekings!! The internet is so much fun for connecting people. Can you remember the smell in the church basement?
Posted by: shannonb | March 15, 2005 at 04:03 AM